
As we make the transition to Tantramar, all the by-laws for the previous municipalities of Sackville and Dorchester and the Local Service Districts need to be updated. This will take time. By-laws for Sackville and Dorchester will remain in place until they are updated for Tantramar.

Town of Tantramar Bylaws

DRAFT By-laws below, these will have third and final reading at the March Regular Council Meeting being held on: Monday, March 15th, 2021 6:30 PM at the Veterans Community Center, 4955 Main Street Dorchester, NB before being enacted.  Please note, the meeting date is subject to change based on COVID-19 phase changes.

If you have feedback please email:   or phone (506)379-3030

Village of Dorchester – By-law Enforcement By-law No. 2020-001

Village of Dorchester –  Dangerous or Unsightly Premises By-law No. 2021-002

Village of Dorchester Police Services Bylaw No. 2021-004

Village of Dorchester- Dog By-law No 2021-005


Please check back as this page is still being updated…thank you!

**Please note that the information posted may not be the official version of these documents.  The Municipality will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the information presented is accurate and complete.  The Municipality will not be held responsible for damages of any kind arising from use of these documents.  Original copies of these documents are available for viewing at the Village of Dorchester Municipal Office, 4984 Main Street during regular business hours.